Privacy Policy
How do we collect personal information?
We collect personal information through our website and through our direct interactions with you, including face-to-face, over the telephone, and in writing.
How do we use your personal information?
We use your personal information to deliver our services to you and to provide you with information about them, for example:
- to provide a public market for the use and benefit of the local community in Basildon and to promote social engagement
- to ensure the day-to-day safe running and management of the market
- to improve the visitor experience of the market
- to promote and run our activities, including offers, events
- to process requests, enquiries and complaints
We collect personal information about traders (and people who apply to become traders) to ensure that the market continues to sell a diverse range of goods.
Marketing communications
We will only send you news and information on our events, special offers and other initiatives if you have given us consent to be on our mailing lists (for example, if you have signed up to receive our newsletter).
Every message we send you will give you the option to opt-out of receiving any further marketing communications from us.
How do we ensure that collection of your personal information is lawful and fair?
We always have to have a valid reason to use your personal information. For the purposes of data protection legislation, this is called the “lawful basis for processing”.
Our lawful basis for processing will most commonly be one of the following:
- where you have given your consent (for example, to subscribe to our newsletter)
- to perform a contract that we have with you (for example, market trading or events)
- to meet our legal or statutory compliance obligations